Dec 4, 2017

Bye guys it's been fun. I'm leaving this page up as a final fuck you to DAS shitheads. Read this if you want or don't. Hope you had a good stay :)...


Nov 23, 2017

Here's part two as promised.

I was sent the above email the day after my response. I was starting to get fed up, but I was still a little unsure of their motive. I wanted to give them the benifit of the doubt so I reiterated what I said before without backing down.

Their reply:

By this point I was pissed. I just went off on them, which I regret, but I was just in shock. Like, the fucking nerve? I don't know, I should have just blocked them or something. So yeah, bad look on my part I guess. I got this email 30 minutes later. I could basically hear the smug through the computer. I gave them probable cause to take me to court with my threats. I've never threatened anyone in my life. I cannot believe the upper hand I gave these assholes. Whatever. Now I have to pay all these fucking court fees and miss work to talk this shit out with my laywer. If you have gallery in your name, I'm sorry. I'd say don't change it for anyone, but I get if you want to just stay under the radar. I don't think we need a whole revolution or whatever but something's gotta change. Maybe these guys were just particularly shitty, but I can't promise anything.
Sorry for ranting, I know this was supposed to be a place of positivity. Thanks for the ride guys.

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